24개 유용한 Kubernetes 구성 내용(yaml 파일 작성)

참고 블로그: https://overcast.blog/24-kubernetes-mastersconfigurations-29235c65b337

Advanced Workload Management

  1. Affinity and Anti-Affinity
  2. Taints and Tolerations
  3. Pod Disruption Budgets (PDB)
  4. Using Init Containers for Setup Scripts
  5. Pod Topology Spread Constraints
  6. Custom Scheduler

Resource Optimization & Efficiency

  1. Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) Based on Custom Metrics
  2. Volume Snapshotting for Stateful Applications

Security Enhancements

  1. Network Policies for Enhanced Pod Communication Control
  2. Pod Security Policies (PSP)
  3. Network Policies for Egress Control
  4. Seccomp Profiles for Syscall Filtering

Efficient Cluster Management

  1. Read-Only Root Filesystems
  2. Kubernetes Secrets for Sensitive Data

Efficient Cluster Management

  1. Resource Quotas and Limit Ranges
  2. Node Affinity
  3. Auto-scaling Nodes with Cluster Autoscaler
  4. Quota Management for Namespaces
  5. Proactive Node Maintenance with Node Problem Detector
  6. PriorityClass for Workload Precedence
  7. CronJobs for Regular Tasks

Networking & Service Discovery

  1. Ingress for External Access
  2. Service Mesh with Istio
  3. ExternalDNS for Dynamic DNS Management

Best Practices:

  1. Securely manage credentials for your DNS provider, potentially using Kubernetes Secrets.
  2. Monitor ExternalDNS logs and metrics to ensure DNS records are updated as expected and troubleshoot any issues.
  3. Limit the –domain-filter to specific domains under your management to prevent accidental modifications to unrelated DNS records.

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참고 자료: https://jdhitsolutions.com/blog/powershell/9325/powershell-refresh/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=powershell-refresh&fbclid=IwAR2F3v_n9fzyyME_hHqa-Kdvt_cBxScGUBGfGWoEFQzW7AqcrEKeOdJy_ns